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The process of central heating through the gas is also known as a “wet system,” as it involves heating water through a gas-fired boiler to provide central heating via radiators and hot water through the taps in your home. It, therefore, works on a dual-level, which warms harm and water as well.

Central gas heating systems use natural gas as a fuel to heat homes. It is preferred over a standard central heating system because it is comfortable, convenient to be used, reliable, and more functions excellently. The heat emitted out of natural gas is much warmer than that of a central system. The air from other heating systems is about 120-140 degrees, while the air from a central system is only about 85 to 95 degrees.

Components of a Gas Central Heating

Thermostat: The home gas heating controls cycle uses a mechanical or electronic thermostat.

Valve: Gas flow is actuated with the help of a pipe.

Electric Filament or pilot light: An electric filament or pilot light does ignition.

Radiator: The flames generated heats up the heater in the air duct.

Fan: The heat is distributed through a fan.

How does it work

The working principle of Central gas heating is not as complicated as other types of heating systems. When the natural gas burns, heat is generated in the furnace’s burner. The heat produced in the furnace then passes through a heat exchanger, which makes it hot. The air from the home’s ductwork is blown over the heat exchanger, warming the atmosphere. The furnace’s blower then pushes the heated air into the ducts installed at home to distribute the hot air in all corners of the house.


  • It’s convenient and cost-effective if you have a gas network installed in your house beforehand.
  • Modern condensing boilers used in the heating system are very efficient, so every unit of energy consumed brings the maximum heat output.
  • It saves a lot of electricity and thereby minimizes your electricity bill.
  • Gas- fueled central heating is inexpensive to operate as it saves on installation.
  • The control is easy because of the thermostat.


  • Installation of this system from scratch is expensive and quite disruptive, especially if you don’t already have a pre-installed gas network at your house.
  • Since gas is a fossil fuel, it produces carbon dioxide in the process of burning. Therefore, it is not environmentally friendly and adds to pollution.
  • These systems can cause a lot of noise that becomes quite irritating for room occupants.
  • Sometimes the heat is unevenly distributed circulating mainly near the ceiling, leaving the floor chilly.

How Safe is Gas-fueled Central Heating?

A gas-fueled central heating system is safe as long as it is properly fitted, and maintenance is done from time to time. On the other hand, a poorly installed or ill-maintained boiler can cause severe hazards as it can result in fires, carbon monoxide poisoning, and even explosions.


Gas Central Heating is quite popular among people because nowadays every household has a gas supply and the efficiency of this heating system is more than all the existing types of heating systems.

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